Sunday, February 25, 2018

Exams are stressful


Last week on Friday, I had to take an exam for my calculus two class. Just hearing the words calculus and exam is frightening.  I probably studied for seven hours throughout that week but it seemed like it didn’t help me as much as I thought it would. However, the thing that helped me a lot on the exam was a six by ten note card that our professor allowed us to use.  Of course other students in lower math courses aren’t allowed to use note cards but that's because in calculus two we have an abundance of formulas to remember.  We also need to know trigonometric identities so that we can switch a piece of the function so that when we try to make an integral simpler.  It will help to get rid of the integral so that we are able to get the answer. Monday through Wednesday, I wasn’t really able to study for maybe ten or thirty minutes each night.  I was busy with finishing homework for other classes and studying for my history quiz.  On Thursday, I only had one class and then I came home to study the whole day after I finished my homework.  I spent probably five hours just looking at the review sheet our calculus professor gave us.  It seemed like the list kept on going forever and that there was too much to learn.  After studying for hours, I felt confused and distraught when I couldn’t remember how to do some problems.  After I finished the exam on Friday, I knew I messed up on a few of the problems and I felt that studying for so many hours barely helped me with only a few problems. Now I have to wait until next week to see how I did. Don’t get me wrong, I love math but it can stress me out like crazy.        Image result for exams are scary memes


  1. I can relate to feeling overwhelmed when a big test is coming up I'm sure you're not the only one who feels like that. Also I was able to relate to feeling confused of reviewing over and over again I suggest studying for about 10-20 minutes taking a 5 minute break and then going back it seems to help.

  2. I can definitely relate to always feeling overwhelmed when an exam is coming up because I believe that thats the normal thing to do unless you know everything like the back of your hand in which this case I don’t always know everything in the upcoming exams lol. But yes like victor said, it’s important to take breaks when studying so that your brain doesn’t overwhelm itself.
